邮 箱:yueyl@xynu.edu.cn
办公电话: 0376-6391700
2010.9-2014.6:河南大学 地理与环境学院,本科
2014.9-2017.6:河南大学 地理与环境学院,硕士
2017.9-2022.7:华东师范大学 7026威尼斯官网,博士
2022.9 - 至今: 信阳师范学院 7026威尼斯官网
1.科技部项目: 全球变化研究进展跟踪特别报告,结项,参与
论 文
1.Yue Y L, Yan D, Yue Q, Wang Z. Future changes in precipitation and temperature over the Yangtze River Basin in China based on CMIP6 GCMs. Atmospheric Research, 2021, 264: 105828.
2.Yue Y L, Tian L, Yue Q, Wang Z. Spatiotemporal Variations in Energy Consumption and Their Influencing Factors in China Based on the Integration of the DMSP-OLS and NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Datasets. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12(7): 1151.
3.Yue Y L, Wang Z, Tian L, Zhao J C, Lai Z Z, Ji G X, Xia H B. Modeling the spatiotemporal dynamics of industrial sulfur dioxide emissions in China based on DMSP-OLS nighttime stable light data. PLoS ONE, 2020, 15(9): e0238696.